Development Investment

Development Investment Division focuses on investment into on-shore real estate debt/mezzanine products

Real Estate

Project Financing

Loan to real estate project that need financing on particular projects. Investment horizon varies from 2~3 years. Rigorous simulation tests are executed to minimize risks

Bridge Loan

Loan to real estate project developers. Investment horizon is typically less than an year and flexible strategies are implemented

Value-add Investment

Investment into undervalued real estates and adding value. Value is added by various means such as restructuring, change of tenant and etc. 


Investment into Mezzanine products such as Convertible Bonds, Bonds with Warrants. Risk is minimized due to the nature of the products and return is seeked through converting the bonds to equities

Our Approach

Due Diligence

Due diligence by Simone’s internal professionals and external experts(Accounting Firms, Legal Counsels etc.)

Portfolio Management

Regular monitoring on invested assets in order to minimize risks and add value